Prepare Recording

This shows the required permissions and gets everything ready for actual recording. Gif recording doesn't need any permissions but video recording on native platforms will request user to allow recording.

recorder.PrepareRecording(callback: (success, error) =>
    if (success)
        Debug.Log("Prepare recording successful.");
        //Call StartRecording here.
        Debug.Log($"Prepare recording failed with error [{error}]");

Once after calling PrepareRecording, you can go ahead with StartRecording.

It's not mandatory to call PrepareRecording before StartRecording as StartRecording will internally call prepare if it's not done . PrepareRecording helps in cases where you want to show the recording permissions a head so that you inform the user about the recording permissions or to avoid any flickering when using vuforia/AR frameworks at the time of recording.


using VoxelBusters.ScreenRecorderKit;

IScreenRecorder recorder;
//... Create instance for IScreenRecorder via ScreenRecorderBuilder

public void PrepareRecording()

private void PrepareRecordingComplete(bool status, Error error)
    if (success)
        Debug.Log("Prepare recording successful.");
        //Call StartRecording here.
        Debug.Log($"Prepare recording failed with error [{error}]");

Last updated

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